Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Youth Ministry in The Catholic Church is emboldened by the leadership of young people. Empowering young leaders with accompaniment and encouragement they are trained and formed to realize the vision of missionary discipleship.
Youth Ministry Groups
High School Youth Ministry – Youth Ministry Re-Launch! As we look to build more bridges between our two parishes in our pastorate, we will combine our high school youth ministry moving forward. We will meet on Tuesday evenings, 6:30pm-8:00pm. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, all high school youth are invited to join us at CCSFX in the lower level. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, all high school youth are invited to join us at OLG in the youth room. Each night will consist of prayer and a social or service activity. Over time, we will add occasional 4-week faith sharing sessions as well. This is an exciting time, and we hope many of our high schoolers will join us on Tuesdays! There will always be snacks available, and we ask that you bring your own water bottle. All are welcome!