Anointing of the Sick
Illness often brings a crisis in a person’s life. This sacrament is a ceremony that gives Catholics spiritual comfort and often helps them to recover their health.
Anointing of the Sick
The anointing of the sick is often a Catholic Christian’s final sacrament. It is given to people who are in danger of becoming more sick from a serious illness and it is also given to those who are likely to die soon.
This sacrament is given by a priest. It is often given to a person in hospital but it may also be given in a person’s home.
Illness often brings a crisis in a person’s life. This sacrament is a ceremony that gives Catholics spiritual comfort and often helps them to recover their health.
The reason for the anointing of the sick is found in the life of Jesus, who showed special care for the sick and told his followers to have the same concern.

If You or your loved one is Sick
Contact Deacon Jim Prosser: jprosser@ourladygrace.org
Irene Bernardo can also be reached for help at ibernardo@ourladygrace.org
(410) 329-6826 ext. 100