Congratulations on the recent or upcoming birth of your new baby! The parish of Our Lady of Grace rejoices with you on this wonderful occasion.
Baptism Information
Choosing baptism, and new life in the faith, is the best gift that you can give your child! In asking that your child be baptized into the Catholic Church, you, as parents, also take upon yourselves a significant commitment. You will speak on behalf of your child at the baptism, promising to raise and educate your child in the Catholic faith “by your word and example”. We welcome the opportunity to assist you in accepting God’s call to be Catholic parents and to aid in your preparation for the celebration of your child’s baptism. The parents typically contact the parish office after the birth of the child, and arrange a date for the Baptism. It can occur either during a Sunday mass, or, once a month, we have a group Baptism after the last Sunday mass. For a first-child Baptism in our parish, we meet with the parents some weeks ahead of the Baptism, to instruct them about the history, purpose, responsibilities and actual rite of the Baptism for their child. For second or later children baptized in our parish, we typically do not hold this meeting. As far as Godparents go, one is required. This Godparent can be either sex, but must be at least 16 years old, and a practicing Catholic that is both baptized and confirmed. A second Godparent is option, but must be the opposite sex of the first Godparent. If the second Godparent is not a baptized, confirmed and practicing Catholic, but is a baptized Christian, that is also acceptable, but will then be referred to as a Christian Witness, and not a Godparent.

Baptism preparation
Contact Deacon Jim Prosser to get started: jprosser@ourladygrace.org
Irene Bernardo can also be reached for help with Baptisms at Ibernardo@ourladygrace.org (410) 329-6826, ext. 100I